Personal Leadership Badge Program

Knowing that personal leadership is the foundation, we are dedicated to being the catalyst for a bright future. This track is a self-paced online program where students can work to complete badges that cultivate and foster personal growth and development. Students can work at their own pace and have the opportunity to learn from our Guest Servant Leaders. Guest Servant Leaders, or GSLs, are a diverse group of community members, leaders, and achievers who will share their stories and wisdom as the students have the opportunity to earn up to five personal leadership badges. The key principles of the Tressel Institute will be: GRATITUDE, SELFLESSNESS, EXCELLENCE, LOVE, AND HOPE.

Our Curriculum

Strong character and the ability to lead with integrity, humility, and empathy are key attributes to a successful and effective leader. These can be nurtured and developed over time. In this badge, you will have the opportunity to explore three dimensions of building a strong character. You will also complete self-reflection exercises, assessments, and activities to initiate and continue the work of developing these character dimensions.

Key Concepts

  • Developing My Inner Strength And Peace
  • Developing My Loving Team
  • Curiosity to Learn and Grow

Culture and community are integral to creating a successful and effective environment for your team. This badge will provide you with the tools to create a more supportive and engaging atmosphere. Topics Guest Servant Leaders will discuss selflessness and inclusion, respecting differences and values, and engage in your community.

Key Concepts

  • Practice Selflessness & Inclusion
  • Respecting Differences & Values
  • Engage in your Community

It can be difficult to navigate and learn about all career pathways. My Career Path badge is set up to allow you to hear professionals’ experiences and career pathways across an array of fields and sectors. You’ll also learn key skills such as developing career opportunities, building your professional network, and identifying steps of success.

Key Concepts

  • Developing Career Opportunities
  • Building a Professional Network
  • Identifying Steps of Success

Our health plays a critical role in the way we feel and perform. We need to take care of our bodies and minds, so we are at our best. This badge will not only focus on physical and nutritional health but also on mental health and wellness. You’ll learn from Guest Servant Leaders how they balance their busy lives while taking care of their bodies.

Key Concepts

  • Exercise, Nutrition, and Rest
  • Practice Mindfulness
  • Time Management

This badge is designed to help you create your own Financial Game Plan. You’ll learn personal finance 101 and will have the opportunity to learn about Financing for Today and Preparing for a Strong Financial Future. You will be able to value the impact of different choices available to you: from renting or buying, and student loans, or how much and when to save for retirement to simply understanding how the financial world works.

Key Concepts

  • Managing Money, Establishing Credit, and Understanding Debt
  • Building Personal Wealth
  • Protecting and Maintaining Wealth

Hear From One of Our Guest Servant Leaders

The Steps to Building Success

Student Testimonial

Name: Olivia Wilcox

Hometown: Mantorville, Minnesota

Degree: MBA Healthcare Management (undergrad business admin/nonprofit leadership)

Fun Fact: I am a senior swimmer on the YSU swim team and love hiking (especially 14ers 🙂

Hi! My name is Olivia Wilcox. I am a senior and captain on the YSU swim team. I am originally from Mantorville, Minnesota and have an undergrad degree in business administration with a minor in nonprofit leadership. Currently, I am a graduate student working towards my MBA in healthcare management. Through TILT I have been able to reflect on my own leadership skills and also look more in depth on my own goals in life. The badges really made me think about areas of my life that I haven’t really reflected on before! Being able to serve students all over campus and help lead them in their own goals has been an amazing experience.

Student Testimonial

Name: Della Toliver

Hometown: Youngstown, Ohio

Degree: Nursing

Fun Fact: I love music, dance, learning about other cultures, and history

My Name is Della Toliver. I am from Youngstown, Ohio and I am a Nursing Major. I absolutely love working with the Tressel Institute. I learned how to work with others in the most effective way, program development at the university level, and now have a greater appreciation for extra-curricular programs offered at Youngstown State University. Working with the program has allowed me to develop professionally and spark new creative interests.